Welcome to our global maker-to-market movement where, together with 20,000 artisans, we ignite social change. We create opportunities for individuals, families, and communities in developing countries to thrive through strong relationships, fair wages, safe working conditions, and sustainable practices.

Slivers of tagua nuts are dyed in vibrant shades of exotic jungle flowers. Also known as "vegetable ivory" tagua is produced by a palm-like tree in South America. Tagua nut's grain is close and very hard, resembling the finest ivory. The nuts fall to the ground when mature, thus harvesting does not damage the trees. Cultural tradition and forest preservation combine in the use of this renewable resource.
SKU: 8404340

Camari is an income generating program that works to enable small farmers, or "campesinos," to remain in their home communities instead of leaving to find scarce work in the cities. Camari works to confront the problem of marketing agricultural and handicraft products on behalf of several hundred peasant groups. Camari unites people, works to ensure they receive stable, fair income and enables them to carry on family traditions of working the land, as well as preserving indigenous culture through the creation of traditional crafts. Ten Thousand Villages has purchased products from Camari since 1990.
